Recently there has been a lot of talk in the news about genetically modified foods. This issue will not be going away anytime soon and it’s been interesting to hear the news media say things like “organic foods are not healthier foods for you”, etc. However, considering what is going on in the politics and historically what has happened I am wary of anything the media promotes.

- In the first three months of 2012, Monsanto spent $1.4 million lobbying Washington.
- Monsanto spent about $6.3 million total in lobbying last year, more than any other agribusiness company except the tobacco company Altria.
- Monsanto aggressively uses lobbyists to promote its corporate interests.

Additionally, US scientists have determined that "Planting GM (genetically modified) crops has led to an increase rather than a decrease in the use of pesticides in the last 16 years." (How GM crops have increased the use of danger pesticides and created superweeds and toxin-resistant insects- by Sean Poulter, Oct 2, 2012)
So, when you have mixed messages who are you supposed to believe? On one hand you have the media telling you that organic food is not any better (or safer) for you, and on the other hand you have the food industry biggies (like Monsanto) stating there is no danger in genetically modified foods.
Here are some of the reasons I will buy organic:
- When I buy organic I know the food has not been genetically modified. I want my food in its freshest and purest form possible. When I have a chance I will buy from local farmers who do not use any genetically modified seeds, etc. I will support the local farmer whenever possible. Buying organic foods does not ensure that we are getting superior nutrition. It just ensures that the nutrion we get has not been genetically altered.
- The verdict is still out on the safety of genetically modified foods. We won’t know until years down the road about the contra indications of such foods and the extent of potential damage. If I were a parent, I would want to make sure that my children’s foods were not genetically modified because I would want my child’s future free of disease.
- I am highly suspicious of anything that makes the food industry fight & lobby Washington with such ferocity and $$$. If genetically modified foods are so safe then why wouldn’t the food industry WANT to label them?
What do you know about genetically modified foods? Let me know what you think.
Genetically gmo foods are foods containing genes that have been altered or exchanged. The transferring of a gene or a trait, such as beta carotene, to rice to give it a golden colour is modifying the rice1. Against or for the use of gmo foods, has been a worldwide argument for decades, since the more research is done, the more advantages and disadvantages are if you want to learn more about gmo foods being connected with gmo foods.