Sunday, September 2, 2012


I recently heard the news that Neil Armstrong passed away due to “complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.”  I was very sad to hear this news and even more sad because in my opinion this was an unnecessary way to die.  Apparently, according to Dr. McDougall, the surgeons attempted to bypass 4 blockages in his coronary arteries and the procedures resulted in his death.

My initial response to this news was to ask why?! Why did Mr. Armstrong’s doctors rush to perform such extreme surgery and not try an alternative approach such as monitoring him on a plant-based diet? Why do people believe that surgery heals? Clearly, surgery is not the answer. 

I know about this since I’ve had two family members undergo quadruple bypass surgery. My uncle had it done in the late 1970s and later had to have the veins reopened with stents because the coronary artery disease progressed. Hmmm, the surgery didn’t prevent further coronary artery disease in my uncle's case. 

More recently my brother had it done (a little over a year ago) and seems to be doing okay. However, I happen to know he has not changed his eating habits. I asked him right after the surgery if he was going to change the foods he ate and he said no. I can only guess what his future might have in store. 

What is sad about all of these individuals is that they could have totally reversed the coronary heart disease by adopting a low fat plant-based diet. Mr. Armstrong could have stopped the problems from progressing by adopting this type of diet in as little as 3 weeks. My uncle would have never had to have a second surgery to open the new blockages if he had changed his eating.  And if my brother would adopt a low fat plant-based diet he would never have to worry about dying of issues related to coronary artery disease.  

Surgery does not stop heart disease -- plants do!

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