One thing that keeps me motivated eating NOODM is more information. For some reason, I am motivated when I find information that collaborates my way of eating and proves one more time that I am on the right path. Although I know that eating a whole foods plant-based vegan diet is an easy thing--in some ways society makes it difficult. I constantly have to think about where I’m going for the day, what am I going to eat, and what foods will be available to me. Usually, I end up taking food with me.
Another thing I have always been interested in is nutrition. I have had this interest all my life and can remember as a child wondering about the medicinal properties of food--little did I know just how healing the right foods could be. So with that said, I have a huge interest in reading recipes. I read recipes and think about how to make them according to NOODM.
Just finished reading another great book called Unprocessed by Chef AJ. The author explains her own journey toward a plant-based vegan diet and the struggles she went through to regain her own health. She stresses the importance of eating whole foods and offers many recipes.
I want you to eat unprocessed whole food. No oil is a whole food; all oils are highly processed. - Chef AJ -
Her philosophy and cooking method is a blend of McDougall, Esselstyn, and Fuhrman.
If you look at my diet over several days, it is really a hybrid of all three of these plant diet icons. On some days, you might say I’m more of a McDougaller. On others, I eat more like an Esselstyn...I almost always have a green smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch, so if you catch me at those meals you would think that all my meals are Fuhrman-friendly...I almost don’t think it matters who is right. I like to look at where they all agree and they all say we should be eating a whole food plant-based diet with no oil and either little or no processed sugar and little or no salt. If everyone did that, disease rates would plummet. - Chef AJ -
The author also has her own website and offers cooking videos for the recipes in her book. Check out her website

Reading both of these this past week has definitely motivated me to continue eating a whole foods plant-based vegan diet.
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